Monday, May 21, 2007

Happy at the Hostel in Talkeetna

I'm excited to report that we are all (Scott, Aaron, April & I) enjoying our reunion here in Talkeetna. I arrived in Anchorage late last night thanks to my sister Nicole's fast packing assistance and airport shuttle service! April picked me up and we stayed at their friend Brent's Bed & Breakfast. This a.m. we drove to Talkeetna where April & I took an incredible plane ride tour of Mount McKinley. It was absolutely unbelievable. We had gorgeous views of the entire Alaskan range, including Mt. Foraker (17,400 ft.) and Mt. Hunter (14,573 ft.). It was so beautiful and amazing to see where they climbed. We were in a small Cessna plane with 8 people total, including our pilot. Once we got above 14,000 ft., our pilot Erica had us all put on our oxygen masks since the small plane's cabin wasn't pressurized. Then we also got a tour of the Ruth Glacier and the Gorge area, including some close-ups of 6,000 ft. granite walls. Unbelievable!

So we are enjoying 70 degree weather here in Talkeetna and Scott & I are looking forward to beginning our vacation together. April & Aaron leave for Anchorage tomorrow and then are headed to the UP (Upper Peninsula) of Michigan for his sister's graduation.

Can't wait to share the pictures with you all! Take care!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy to hear you're happy at the hostel in talkeetna, gang! april and aaron, we'll see you soon in michigan! -lisa