Tuesday, May 15, 2007

At Camp V - Going for the Summit Wednesday

Great news! Scott called tonight and said he was looking out over the beautiful Alaskan range. They made it up to Camp V at 17,200 ft. yesterday. It was a long day after carrying a very heavy load up to that altitude and then setting up camp, which is quite the ordeal of cutting blocks and creating a snow wall to shelter the tent from wind. How exhausting! He said it is "ridiculously" cold with a high of 20 below! Just imagine living outside for 2 weeks at those cold temperatures with no hot shower to look forward to or a chance to warm up really except lying in your sleeping bag and waking up with icicles inside your tent! Brrrr...

They are excited to make a summit bid Wednesday morning and are leaving Camp V at 8am, hoping to reach the summit around 1-2pm ADT. There are 2 other groups that were at Camp V with them yesterday and 2 more who reached that point today, so there are about 10-15 climbers making a summit attempt tomorrow a.m.

They have a steep section to climb up to Denali Pass (18,200 ft.) without much chance to pass by other climbers, but then up on the ridge it opens up to an area Scott called "the football field," and then they will reach the summit ridge after that and make their way up to the peak at 20,320 ft.! How exciting! I'll post the updated weather report in the morning.

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