Friday, May 11, 2007

Camp IV - 14,200 ft.

I heard from Scott tonight, but the reception was bad and we only talked for 2 min. before we lost connection. They are at Camp IV (14,200 ft.) and plan to carry a load up to 16,200 ft. tomorrow and come back down to Camp IV to sleep. It's windy and cold and the weather is supposed to be bad this weekend, but they're hoping to move up to Camp V and then make a summit bid on Monday or Tuesday weather-permitting, which would put them 1-2 days ahead of schedule. Scott said the high temperature was zero degrees today at Camp IV.

Storing Reserve Supplies on Mount McKinley
Unlike Mt. Everest, they do not allow climbers to leave a tent pitched at various camps along the way as they acclimate to the elevation. Instead, Scott and Aaron have to break camp after every night if they move on to another location. They are allowed to "cache a load" at the various camps, which means they have to dig a hole in the snow ~1 meter deep to bury food and supplies and then mark the spot with multiple "wands" that flag the location. These have to be buried deep in the snow and the wands must protrude high enough to be seen above the new-fallen snow.

Keep them in your thoughts and prayers!

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