Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Race to the River (CP 7 - Sage Creek)

The lead teams have already reached Checkpoint 7 where the Dark Zone was enforced at nightfall, so they are getting some mandatory rest until first light before they can paddle the inflatable kayaks ("Duckies") down the river.

Team Shasta / Core Concepts is probably about halfway through the 70 miles of trekking to reach the river as they should be nearing Checkpoint 6 - Cinnamon Mountain. From there it's still another 45 miles to "reach the beach."

I heard from Shan who is heading up the support crew for Team Shasta. He said that they reached the TA after about 2.5 hours to the top of Lone Peak and back. Not too shabby. Shan will be sending me some more pictures soon as well.

It looks like they have vascillated between #15-20 for most of the day and right now they may be traveling with Dave Russell's team Oceanic Interactive since they checked in at CP 5 - West Fork within 10 minutes of each other. (Dave, Scott & Chad raced together in PQ '06 - Moab.)

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