Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year's from Camp I (9,100 ft.)

Scott called to wish us a Happy New Year from Camp I on New Year's Eve.  They had moved up to Camp I that day, and they were planning to overnight there and spend a rest day at Camp I on New Year's Day.  Provided that the weather holds, they expected to climb to High Camp today (Jan. 2).

He said there was a nice light snowfall but that it was still sunny and that he had actually been pretty warm climbing in just a long-sleeved shirt.  The sun reflecting off the snow generates a lot of heat.

Because of their location so close to the South Pole and due to the time of year (it is mid-summer there now), they are in the midst of a 2-week period of 24-hour daylight.  Scott said that he had trouble sleeping at first because of the constant sunlight, but he is starting to get adjusted to it.

As they ascend to higher elevations and the wind increases, they will need more of their polar gear.  Here's a picture of Scott in his mountaineering boots and his down gear as he was packing for this trip.  Our daughter Emma Pearl was excited that they had "matching puffer coats."

Happy New Year everyone!

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